Upcoming Event

Free Back-to-School Workshop 24/02

Won Buddhism 2024. 2. 2. 19:44

Dear Dharma friends,


The school year 2024 has started!


Combined with the Buddhist Council, we offer a nourishing and inspiring experience to start the school year in our Meditation Centre.


If you are interested in making better classroom environment or SRE (Scripture class for Buddhism) classes, 

This workshop is for you. 


We welcome current teachers, new teachers and those interested in joining our volunteer program to share the Dharma in schools.


And Rev. In-Myung will share her experiences as well. 


Delicious Korean vegetarian lunch will be offered. 


<Free- Back-to-School SRE Teachers Workshop 2024>


-Date: Sat, Feb 24th | 11 am - 2 pm

-Won Buddhism Meditation Centre, Bensville (CentralCoast NSW)



It is a free workshop but needs booking so please make a booking ahead. 


Click here to book

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