Past Event

Candlelight Great Memorial Service-2nd June 2024

Won Buddhism 2024. 6. 4. 15:57

Won-Buddhism tradition has 2 Great Memorial Services yearly (June 1st, December First),

to commemorate our parents, ancestors, great teachers- Buddhas and sages, and all sentient beings. 


Last Sunday, the 2nd of June, we gathered to commemorate Sotatesan's nirvana, all the  Buddhas and sages, all sentient beings, and our parents and ancestors. 


So we began our service by lighting our lotus lantern with our deceased family and ancestors' names.



Then, we meditated to clear our minds and offered silent prayers for deceased families. 


Inmyung and Haejin entreated the Founding Master Sotaesan and addressed the invocation text to Founding Master Sotaesan.

Then Rev. Inmyung and Sylvia(원지성) entreated all the remaining ancestors and addressed invocation text to parents and ancestors.


We sang the hymn 75 for all sentient beings to rejoice in one world.




Rev. Inmyung shared with us the anecdotes of the Founding Master Sotaesan. 

Our Dharma friend Gaboa shared his memory with his friend who just passed away a few days ago. 


At last, we took a group photo and moved to the shed for lunch. 

We had hot dumpling rice cake soup and Vegetable pancakes for lunch. 

The day was filled with warmth in and out. Thank you all for making another beautiful day.